MAKING ROOM was a plan launched in 2016 to renovate and repurpose the aging facilities at Saint Paul’s to better fulfill our mission and vision. Once the needs were evaluated and prioritized, the PLAN was developed for funding and construction.  The Church members then made the decision to secure a loan from the Florida United Methodist Foundation and a $1 million loan was secured.  A fundraising campaign was held and members made pledges to support this PLAN through their prayers and financial commitments.

The fruits of these MAKING ROOM changes have been enjoyed by almost every member of Saint Paul’s – children, youth and adults.

Why is this important today?  The loan, as of 03/29/24, has a balance of $863,012.09, with a due date in 2037.  Monthly payments towards this balance are made every month.

Saint Paul’s has been blessed with many new members since 2017, some never even hearing about MAKING ROOM or understanding what was done.  We wanted to highlight this so everyone can appreciate what has been done to repurpose our facilities for growth.  To pay off this loan we are asking members to prayerfully consider giving, in addition to your regular tithes and offerings, to support the monthly payments.  When making your gifts, please designate them for MAKING ROOM.  As we make strides in paying off this existing loan, we can make plans for more great things God has in store for Saint Paul’s.

Additional Resources

Want to help?

There are many ways you can support the MAKING ROOM construction project, the first being by praying for our church. Additionally, online donations (recurring or one time) will off-set the cost.

Additional Renderings