History – Our Story

Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church has been ministering to the people of Tallahassee and beyond since 1952.  Within two years of starting, the congregation purchased property on Lake Ella and completed construction on Sanders Hall, which served as the first worship space.  The current sanctuary was completed in 1968 and has served as a beautiful worship space for the congregation and venue for the community.  In choosing its name, the founders of the church wanted to honor the missional spirit of the Apostle Paul, a spirit which continues to guide the vision of the congregation.

Through the enthusiasm, courage and welcoming spirit of the founding membership, the church grew rapidly, and quickly became a center of faith development and outreach to the Lake Ella and midtown community and later to sister churches in Cuba and Haiti; relationships that remain today. Saint Paul’s UMC was built upon, and continues to be known for, a vibrant Sunday School program which has provided a foundation of community and spiritual formation for all ages.  


The mission of Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church is to be a faithful community of disciples who serve as the heart, hands and feet of Christ so that all people come to know the love of God.


As a Spirit-formed living expression of the kingdom of God, the vision of Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church is to

  • glorify God wholeheartedly
  • grow the community of the faithful and nurture the faithfulness of that community
  • alleviate suffering wherever it is found
  • advocate for social justice



We believe that there are five practices that characterize a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ, and commit ourselves to continued growth in these areas:

We also commit ourselves to providing ongoing opportunities for those new to the faith and to the church to explore and grow in these practices along with us.


We will be a community of joy that celebrates easily and laughs freely.

We will be a place of prayer and dependence on God for direction and guidance.

We will be a community shaped by scripture, tradition, reason and experience, and by the Living Word of God revealed in Jesus Christ.

We will be a church that is humble in our victories and honest in our failures, struggles and doubts. We will be truthful with each other and with God.

We will be people who do the right thing, even when it is uncomfortable; even when it costs us something.

We will be a church that chooses love over hate; cooperation over competition; grace over grudges.

We will be an inclusive community that endeavors to see and nurture the good in all people because all people are created in the image of God and are of infinite sacred worth.

We will be a church that strives for excellence in everything we do – because God deserves our very best.


Name Position Email
Rev. Dr. Latricia Scriven Senior Pastor [email protected]
Rev. MaryAnn Piccioni Associate Pastor [email protected]
Beth Wilde Director of Early Childhood Ministries [email protected]
Leslie Scott Director of Children and Family Ministries [email protected]
Casey Fernandes Youth Co-Director [email protected]
Linda Fletcher Church Administrator [email protected]
Amy Leach Communications Coordinator [email protected]
Cynthia Prescott Adult Choirs Director [email protected]
Stephany Nystrand Kids@Art Choir and Family & Me Music Choir Director [email protected]
Gaye Herndon Director of Music and Worship Arts [email protected]
Jonathan Leach Sexton [email protected]
Melissa Edelstein Financial Assistant

2024 Governing Board MEMBERS

Lay Leaders/Chairs of Governing Board: Dave and Jan Cuddington

Pastors: Latricia Scriven and MaryAnn Piccioni

Recording Secretary: Charlotte Keaton
SPRC: Gary Eggebraaten (Chair), Flo Dickinson, Lyn Shoffstall
Finance: Sarabeth Snuggs (Chair), Okenwa Okoli, Mary Ann Brown, Dennis Lee
Trustees: Wade Pierce (Chair), Stephanie Corry, Jerry Roney
At Large: Laura Pace Alexander, Sandy Collar, Jeff Beekman


Worship: Dora Thomas (working with Pastor Latricia)
Grow: Nick Quinton (working with Amy Leach)
Serve: David Gill (Missions Coordinator)
Share: Amy Leach
Give: Sarabeth Snuggs


United Methodists are:

  • A covenant people
    When you join a United Methodist congregation, you become a member of the total United Methodist connection. Members promise God and the congregation to uphold the church with their prayers, presence, gifts and service.
  • A diverse community
    All persons are welcome in The United Methodist Church. We are firmly committed to inclusiveness. We celebrate a diversity of people, ideas and cultures and are enriched by our broad history.
  • Biblical in faith
    United Methodists trust free inquiry in matters of Christian doctrine. Our faith is guided by Scripture, tradition, experience and reason. Of paramount importance is Scripture. For United Methodists, the Bible is the record of God’s people living out God’s promise.
  • Mission-oriented, socially conscious
    United Methodists are mission-orinted and socially conscious. This is important to our faith. We are aware of world events and strive to help those in need. United Methodists are one in faith and tradition with Methodist Christians around the world.
  • Ecumenical
    For generations, United Methodists have cooperated with other churches to spread the gospel, care for those in need, alleviate injustice and foster peace. In national and interfaith groups, United Methodists reach beyond our own churches and our own communities to express concern and to share God’s love with people of many faiths.
  • Involved
    For more than 200 years, The United Methodist Church and its predecessor bodies have expressed concern for the worker, the sick, the poor, the orphaned, the aging, the impaired, the oppressed and the imprisoned.Our church participates in the struggles of women, people with physical and mental impairments, and racial – and ethnic – minority persons, helping them attain equality in the church, the economy and society.United Methodists positively influence society through responsible social action.
  • Connectional
    United Methodism took form as an organized church in this country during the revolutionary period of our history, its structures parallel those of the United States government. Church leadership is shared by executive, legislative and judicial branches. Representative bodies carry out church functions at local, regional and church-wide levels.The highest legislative body — the only organization that can speak for the church — is the General Conference. An assembly of up to 1,000 delegates, it is composed of equal numbers of laity and clergy and meets once every four years. Delegates are chosen by regional units (annual conferences) throughout the United States and in 15 other nations. Non-voting representatives come from affiliated churches in 25 other countries.Annual conferences respond to needs in their regions by developing programs and ministries that carry out the work of Christ and support the policies set by General Conference.
  • Evangelical
    The United Methodist Church continues its strong evangelical heritage. Within each congregation is a vital center of biblical study and evangelism — a blending of personal piety and discipleship.The heart of United Methodism continues to be winning people to Christ.

For more on what we believe as United Methodists, check out this page.