The earth belongs to God! Everything in all the world is his!
Psalm 24:1 Living Bible (TLB)
New Silverware Lending Library is OPEN!

Just in time for your holiday parties, our Creation Care group has formed a Silverware Lending Library where up to 150 place settings of metal silverware can be checked out for free, and even returned dirty! This program is designed to help our church reduce the plastic utensils we use at gatherings because they aren’t recyclable and end up in the land fill after being used for only a few minutes. We invite everyone to live into the Plastic & Foam Free FLUMC resolution that passed at AC by reducing your plastic and foam use. You can start by checking out silverware from us for your next event! Email Cara at [email protected] to reserve today.
Pray for the Christian Observers
at the UN Climate Conference
????Unique Gift Wrapping Ideas that are Better for Creation????
Reduce your holiday trash and save money this year by trying some of these fun gift wrapping ideas:
- Display your gift in a basket! Find them at thrift stores and garage sales for less money than a gift bag.
- Fabric bags make beautiful gift wrap that can be reused year after year, and fabric squares can replace paper wrapping.
- Wrap gifts in paper you have on hand like newspaper, wallpaper scraps, or brown paper bags, and recycle it afterward.
- Use natural decorations like raffia, cotton ribbon, cinnamon sticks, balsam branches, and pine cones.
- Reuse jars and cans by cleaning them well and painting their lids. Mason jars are also great for food gifts.
- Place your gift inside a lovely tea towel, scarf, or blanket, and wrap it up. Two gifts in one!
Recycling tip: paper wrapping is recyclable, but tissue paper is not (so keep it and reuse it next time.)
Merry Christmas from your Creation Care Green Team!