Crafty Crop
When: January 25 11:00am to 10:00pm: Join women as we come together with our projects to get them done! Fellowship is fabulous, but so is our creative productive side! Signup online or RSVP on the Facebook Group page, “Crafty Crop @ Saint Paul’s”
Where: Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church, Sanders Hall
Contact: Jill Merryday, 385-5146, for more information.
Join the fun with some awesome women for a time of fellowship and projects! Whether it is scrapbooking, card making, sewing, quilting, even organizing that pile of paperwork or working on your laptop… we all need time and space and friends to get it done! As usual, please bring a covered dish to share! $5 donation reserves your table space and supports our MOPS at Saint Paul’s group. CLICK THE LINK below to hear more about this month’s special event and to RSVP!
We send out updates on email and Facebook at “Crafty Crop @ Saint Paul’s” so be sure to request to join the group!
CRAFTY CROPS (formerly Scrapbooking Fellowship) have met together since 2003 most months in either Sanders Hall or the Parlor of Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church. We invite friends in our community to come and share together and get their projects done!
For more information, you may contact Jill Merryday in the church office.